
Each patient at ETERNAdent has a comprehensive portfolio containing all personal, medical, and financial data related to the services provided.

If you have been a patient of ETERNAdent for more than three years and have regularly attended individually determined appointments to maintain your oral health in the last year, you are entitled to a 10% discount on all services for the upcoming year.

We offer a guarantee for our services, which is valid for 12 months. If you meet the following conditions, we will restore or replace the rebuild free of charge:

  • You are a patient of ETERNAdent for at least three years after the procedure.
  • You attend check-ups and cleanings every three, six, or 12 months, as determined by your ETERNAdent dentist.
  • You maintain high standards of home dental care based on oral hygiene instructions provided by our dentists.
  • You avoid damaging the fabricated restoration through neglect or abuse, such as biting on solid objects, ice, appetizers, or self-adjustment.
  • Additionally, if our dentist recommends and you wear a night guard (occlusal splint) necessary to maintain and protect your teeth according to the given instructions, the guarantee will still apply.
  • However, the guarantee does not include any costs related to regular maintenance of oral health.
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